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Wagtel provides connectivity in the Medicine sector

The advantages of using IoT devices in medicine

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine by enabling the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data from a wide range of sources. This can help healthcare professionals make more informed decisions and provide more personalized care to their patients. Some examples of how IoT is being used in medicine include:

Overall, the use of IoT in medicine has the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery, while providing new opportunities for the development of innovative medical technologies.

IoT in medicine.

What is it and examples of applications

The application of the Internet of Things continues to advance more every day. Until now, it is not only possible to have these systems in the industrial or domestic world. In addition, there is the IoT in medicine. If you want to know more about it, we will tell you everything you need right now.

What is the IoT in medicine?

The Internet of things in the medical sector or also called IoT in medicine , has to do with all those medical devices linked to technology through the Internet. The communication of these devices is achieved through WiFi networks. These are the ones in charge of allowing the connection to the cloud where the data is stored.
This interconnection system between medical devices contributes to various improvements in healthcare. Also, the process of different treatments may be shortened. All this, thanks to obtaining automatic information and monitoring clinical cases remotely.
The use of IoT in health centersit is more and more constant. By the year 2020, there were already 600 million interconnected medical devices. At present, this figure continues to grow, which represents a very important advance in the medical field.
Now that we are clear about what the Internet of things in medicine is about, it is important to address another question: what is the IoT used for in medicine? What are your most relevant applications?

Uses and applications of the Wagtel Network in IoT Medicine

Without a doubt, the evolution of the Internet of things in the medical world is due to the development of other technological trends. In this case, the use of WiFi networks, the creation of smart phones and wireless devices is key.

In domestic issues, the IoT deals with the interconnection of household appliances or any other frequently used. In the case of medicine, sensors are installed in any of the medical devices to transform them into intelligent devices. A clear example of this is the X-ray machine, along with many others.

On the other hand, the application of the IoT in medicine is not limited to the medical teams that are in health centers. Additionally, it relates to devices used by patients. This aspect is ideal for achieving constant interaction with your treating physician.

One of the most important applications that the Internet of Things has in medicine is the surveillance of patients through the intelligent monitoring system. Because of this, doctors access personal information about each patient in real time. This aspect is decisive in the prevention of health problems.

The compilation and management of information around vital signs leads to rapid action in any case of complication.

Likewise, Big Data contributes to the creation of more accurate databases. For this reason, processes are increasingly simplified and operations are less complex. This aspect is quite positive when you need to validate some medical data. In addition, it prevents counterfeiting and scams. In any case, the goal is that, in the long term, all this data is standardized and included in a publicly accessible database.

Connectivity with the cloud makes it possible to access information of interest from anywhere and at any time. It also favors data communication between different medical teams. The purpose of all this is to optimize the connectivity between doctor – patient – medical device.

On the other hand, the Internet of things in the medical sector improves logistics management in health centers. For example, the use of identification codes helps to follow the medical requests of each patient.


Advantages and disadvantages of IoT in Medicine

The application of the IoT in medicine continues to develop. However, this does not prevent looking at future projections. However, there are aspects that require fine-tuning details for your application to achieve the desired success. According to this, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet of things in medicine.


The most important advantages of IoT in the medical sector are the following:

  • Contributes by offering individualized health care. In addition, each case is dealt with in real time.
  • It makes home health care simpler.
  • That is, it is not necessary for the patient to wait long hours for his consultation.
  • It helps in the elaboration of linked databases between different devices and medical devices.
  • It makes it possible for every doctor to access the necessary data immediately. This regardless of time or place.
  • Optimizes the management of resources in health centers and hospitals. In addition, it minimizes waiting periods.
  • Reduces the costs of service and maintenance of medical devices.
  • Reduces chances of misdiagnoses. This is possible due to the use of shared bases. As well as, due to the large amount of data stored in the cloud.
  • Facilitates the systematization of procedures and processes. Thanks to this, doctors save time.
  • It can be linked to other technologies, such as robotics or artificial intelligence. 


Despite the number of benefits that the IoT provides in medicine, there are certain drawbacks that need to be improved. The most important are:

  • High costs: the analyzes in relation to the IoT in medicine confirm that its profitability is visible in the medium and long term. However, the initial investment implies a high expense. It’s not just about acquiring systems and equipment. Additionally, it is necessary to train and train.
  • Lack of standardization: In fact, there are many types of devices and systems. However, none of them are standard. Therefore, the devices are not connected to each other.
  • Security risks: The Internet of Things in medicine exposes itself to the risk that stored information is not secure.
  • Lack of regulations: because it is a type of new technology, there are no regulations or standards that define its application.
  • Distrust of patients: many patients are insecure about the arrival of any new technology. In this sense, they end up opting for the traditional method of medical visits. To end this, it is crucial to develop inclusive IoT campaigns.

Examples of IoT in medicine

Next, we will see specific examples in which the Internet of Things has been successfully applied in the medical sector.

smart pills

The most relevant example in relation to this type of pill is the Ability MyCite. This drug is developed for the treatment of schizophrenic patients or those suffering from bipolarity. This pill is developed by Tsuka Pharmaceutical Co. and Ltd. and Proteus Digital Health.

These pills include digital sensors that are activated when they dissolve in the stomach. After this, a signal is sent to an App on the mobile device. In this way, doctors know the time the patient takes the medicine. This is an advantage to know if the patient complies or not with the treatment.

cancer treatment

A project carried out with more than 300 patients treated with head and neck cancer was presented at the ASCO meeting. The trial was based on monitoring by means of a Bluetooth-enabled device. The intelligent system is known as CYCORE.

Through this, it was possible to monitor the symptoms of each patient. Likewise, the response of each of them to the treatment received was analyzed. The final results showed that the trial patients had milder symptoms compared to other patients.

Digital Audiometers

The Internet of things in the medical sector is useful for the detection of hearing problems. Companies like Kiversal work specifically in this area. At present, this company developed a digital audiometer known as Audixi 10. This smart device allows frequent communication between the patient and his doctor. In addition to this, it has other functions such as connection via USB, over the Internet and with a large number of computers.

Glucose Level Monitoring

IoT devices provide continuous and automatic monitoring of glucose levels in patients. Glucose monitoring devices eliminate the need for manual record keeping and can alert patients when glucose levels are problematic. Different monitoring systems allow you to measure blood glucose levels. This process is much easier compared to the traditional method.

insulin delivery

Regarding the aspect that precedes, there is also an important advance of the intelligent CGM. That is, they not only have the quality of measuring the blood sugar level. In addition, they close the loop by providing insulin if the patient’s vital functions are low.

smart inhalers

The IoT in respiratory medicine is present with the creation of these smart devices. The purpose of smart inhalers like RespiroTM is to improve the quality of life of patients with respiratory complications. In fact, his main focus is on performing respiratory therapies.

In this same sense, there is another device called ADAMM. This portable monitor alerts you to asthma attacks before they happen. If the device senses a risk, it vibrates to alert the patient. Likewise, the information reaches the mobile of the patient and the computer of his personal doctor.

smart contact lenses

Smart contact lenses provide another opportunity to passively and non-intrusively collect healthcare data. They could also, by the way, include micro cameras that allow users to take pictures with their eyes effectively.

Whether used to improve health outcomes or for other purposes, smart glasses promise to turn human eyes into a powerful tool for digital interactions.

heart rate monitoring

Regular heart rate checks do not protect against rapid heart rate fluctuations. In addition, conventional continuous cardiac monitoring devices used in hospitals require patients to be constantly attached to wired machines, impairing their mobility.

Today, a variety of small IoT devices are available to monitor heart rate. This allows patients to move freely while ensuring their hearts are continuously monitored.

Coagulation tests

The purpose of coagulation devices is to measure blood coagulation levels. The advantage of these artifacts is that the information is obtained in real time. This prevents bleeding or even worse cardiovascular accidents. Currently, there are several options on the market. Roche Diagnostic launched two different coagulation systems called Cobas T711 and Cobas T511.

smart watches

These devices, although they are seen only for the consumption of the population, are also part of the IoT in medicine. For example, the Apple Watch smartwatch has essential health features like sharing vital signs. In addition, it detects symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease.

ingestible sensors

The digital intake tracking system was designed to monitor when a medication for schizophrenia was administered. The pill sensor worked by sending a message to a wearable patch. From there, the data was transferred to a mobile app so patients could track the precise moment of ingestion.

Future development of this technology could one day become an everyday consumable, designed to monitor everything from the esophagus to the stomach. The thought of skipping an anesthesia-induced invasive endoscopy would surely prompt more than one to consider swallowing an extra pill along with their battery of morning supplements.

smart insulin pen

It is a reusable insulin pen for people living with diabetes. It can be used to administer insulin , help calculate insulin doses, and estimate carbohydrates for meals.

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