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IoT connectivity made easy

Wagtel is the only connectivity provider built specifically for IoT. Our sole purpose is to help IoT projects succeed, and most of us are active IoT developers. We created Wagtel when we couldn’t find the connectivity we needed for our own projects.

We’re focused on giving you the wireless connections you need, when and where you need them, at a cost that supports your success, with full control of your network and secure cloud integrations you’d usually have to code for yourself.

That means projects get into field fast, cost less to maintain, and scale successfully from hundreds of devices to millions.

Also, using the right technology for your application keeps costs down.

For enterprise users, direct connection to leading public clouds like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure can save months of development time and tens of thousands of dollars (if not more).

Early-stage projects can spin up detailed dashboards without a server and SSH into devices on demand to accelerate prototyping and speed to market without sacrificing security or control.

Wagtel provides a comprehensive connectivity solution for IoT devices, supporting the most common communication technologies in the industry. With Wagtel, you can connect your devices through multiple platforms such as 2G/3G/4G, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox and satellite. This versatility ensures that, regardless of the location of your devices, you will always have the ability to transmit data efficiently.

At Wagtel we understand that the ability to send data is essential for the operation of IoT devices. Therefore, we focus on providing constant and reliable connectivity, ensuring that data transmission is always at the core of our offering.

Technically yes, we could consider ourselves a special type of MVNO, although not traditional. We offer cellular data capabilities across multiple carriers, working with over 240 carriers in over 135 countries. We provide service in 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE networks, and in addition, we extend our coverage to technologies such as NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox and satellite connections.

Unlike other MVNOs, including those focused on IoT, we do not limit ourselves to reselling bandwidth. We have created the industry’s first cloud-based telecommunications core, with an integrated IoT Management Console that gives users full control over their own IoT networks and access to a set of deeply specialized tools for IoT.

IoT customers around the world, in sectors ranging from Agriculture, Energy and Transportation to Manufacturing, Construction, Real Estate and Consumer Electronics, trust Wagtel to stay connected and help them grow.

Reliable, affordable connectivity really is just the start. We offer a range of communication possibilities with different technologies and different prices that will allow you to save on communication costs.

We offer also a Console Platform that allows you to control all the devices with all technologies in the same place.

Once you’re signed up in the management console, you can set up additional services to do things like visualize device data without setting up a server, SSH directly to devices, reduce bandwidth and power consumption on devices, connect directly to your cloud or private server environment, or create your own private IoT VPN.

Absolutely. Our global coverage, cloud integration, and IoT private networking capabilities perfectly align with the scale and security needs of global industrial and enterprise applications.

With Wagtel you can manage an infinite number of devices of different types with different technologies and all through a single platform.

In addition, our platform will allow you to connect your data directly with your systems that may be hosted in Azure or AWS, for example.

We know that IoT isn’t always easy. Success often requires a deep understanding of hardware, software, cloud architecture, and connectivity… at the very least. That technical complexity has a lot to do with why most IoT projects never get past the prototype stage.

We’re ready to help with a team of Solution Architects ready to work with you every step of the way, from hardware selection to network architecture to in-field troubleshooting.

devices will be connected in 2025
+ 0 MM
of sectors have not yet implemented IoT devices
0 %
annual growth of connected devices
0 %

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