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The advantages of using IoT devices in industry

Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, refers to the integration of advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning, into manufacturing and other industrial sectors. The goal of Industry 4.0 is to create more efficient, flexible, and adaptable manufacturing systems that can respond to changing market conditions and customer demands.

IoT plays a key role in Industry 4.0 by providing the connectivity and data collection capabilities needed to power many of the advanced technologies that drive Industry 4.0. Some examples of how IoT is used in Industry 4.0 include:

Overall, the integration of IoT into Industry 4.0 has the potential to transform manufacturing and other industrial sectors by increasing efficiencies, improving quality, and reducing costs.

IoT Industry 4.0 Applications

In recent years, a fairly common term has emerged in the world of industry and it is none other than the fourth industrial revolution . This term, also called industry, is a process that links both tangible and intangible technologies to generate communicated efforts capable of responding at any given time.

This model involves everything related to the industry. Right now, it is possible to find companies that use artificial intelligence. Likewise, we have robotics, the intelligent factory, among others.

In the case of IoT in industry 4.0, sensors are installed in perimeter devices so that the products are of high quality. In addition, it is possible to optimize the management of the factory in real time.

Do not hesitate to get the most out of IoT technology with the solutions elaborated to allow the data to work properly. You have the opportunity to analyze the information in real time. On the other hand, it consolidates labor management and improves production.

Without a doubt, you need IoT in your industry. You don’t just get to have smart factories. In addition, you reduce expenses and manage quickly. The market advances day by day at a fast pace. You can’t miss the beat. With this type of technology you improve the quality of service and optimize your times.

Wagtel provides everything necessary for the application of IoT solutions. In simple words, you have at your fingertips the possibility of giving intelligence to your management systems. All this, through data analysis. Wagtel’s diverse ecosystem helps you select the right apps with complete confidence.

Remember that the goal of IoT technology is to bring business productivity to a much more optimal level. This is possible, only with the application of the IoT in industry 4.0.

Main applications of IoT industry 4.0

IoT in industry goes far beyond large devices that carry out complex processes. On many occasions, they are simple sensors that provide information. Although it may seem less, the reality is that it is more useful than you think. These small devices allow companies to analyze data of interest on a daily basis. On the other hand, they manage to carry out simple automatic tasks. Additionally, they drive the operation of specific protocols in an automated manner. IoT applications in the industrial field are many. Right now we describe the most important ones:

Bring intelligence to the factory

One of the most relevant IoT applications in the industrial sector is obtaining information through devices linked to each other and to the network. This aspect is advantageous when it comes to making important decisions in the factory or company.
However, beyond this, allowing factories to be “smart” favors the early detection of possible failures in the different processes carried out. Remote asset management of each plant is key in this era of automation.

Improve process efficiency

Machines can be automated in a simple way thanks to the implementation of IoT in industry 4.0. This point leads us directly to the improvement of the development of industrial tasks. If we think of all the machinery and robots working automatically, it is much easier to understand the level of efficiency possible.

If IoT technology is taken advantage of in Industry 4.0, it is possible to get machines capable of monitoring the manufacturing process of a product, for example.


Optimize stock control

IoT solutions speed up the study of supply chain procedures. In this way, the status of a request made to the machines is known in real time. This applies both in the case of tasks and in the supply of materials.

On the other hand, technicians obtain information frequently. Because of this, they are aware of possible failures in the supply chain. Additionally, they know if any request does not reach the machinery correctly and the reason for the problem.

Ensure predictive maintenance

Even if your machinery is idle for a short time, the losses are great. This type of inconvenience is more common in those machines that do not have predictive maintenance. However, there is nothing to worry about, as this is another of the advantages of IoT technology in industry 4.0. To tell the truth, the time saved in these cases is amazing. Carrying out this process in a traditional way implies significant wear and tear for the company. In this sense, predictive maintenance thanks to IoT solutions allows having all the necessary information in a very short time.

Reduce the probability of errors

The IoT in Industry 4.0 digitizes virtually all industrial tasks. The reduction of manual processes translates into the reduction of risks generated by human management. In addition, it is possible to use human resources and employ them in other relevant tasks for the company.

This type of technology also prevents attacks by cybercriminals. The reason for this is that in most cases, human failures are the ones that give rise to these serious problems.

Improve plant safety

IoT technology has the ability to detect risks in the plant. Therefore, the safety of all personnel is always guaranteed. It is worth mentioning that the IoT not only alerts to a possible risk in the industry.

In addition, it works with sensors that provide relevant data on possible failures . This implies a great advantage. It is easier to take the necessary measures to solve the problem without making it worse. This point is closely related to predictive maintenance.

Some companies often equip their workers with wearables. This device allows them to know when they are operating in an unsafe area.

Reduce costs

Another of the advantages offered by IoT solutions in the industrial sector is the reduction of expenses. First of all, you work with an efficient and optimized database. Secondly, the information obtained is of high value which favors correct decision making.

On the other hand, the results in terms of productivity, sales and even advertising; they are much more positive. All these added functions translate into the lowest possible expense rate.

Digital transformation in all sectors of IoT in industry 4.0

If you want your company to become the technology company of the future, you need to know more about IoT in industry 4.0. Without a doubt, the potential that you can develop in any industrial sector is incomparable. Monitor your processes, optimize procedures, analyze data and make timely decisions.

The industrial revolution stems from the digital transformation that we are currently experiencing. The Internet of Things IoT allows having solutions in different fields. Thanks to this, many companies improve their performance. IoT solutions help you much more than you think.

If you need help, Wagtel specialists can help you. The goal is that you manage to squeeze all the advantages that IoT applications have for you.


The IoT in everything related to manufacturing is of vital importance to know failures that threaten the quality of the service. However, this is not all. In addition, it is possible to use robotics and automate processes to improve predictive review.  

The entire business world of the industry is evolving through the correlation of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology). This link generates the existence of a linked system with response autonomy.

 In fact, it eliminates information silos and allows you to discover deeper data. All of this is possible through the use of edge technology. Without a doubt, there is greater control and flexibility. Some examples of this are artificial vision, computer-aided simulation or load convergence in industry tasks.


The first key aspect of service-related IoT applications has to do with their sustainable approach. However, the fact of being able to apply environmentally friendly systems requires their greatest capacity.

Right now, oil and gas manufacturers are working on the application of smart technology. This process reduces the emission of polluting gases. Likewise, it favors industrial efficiency and certifies safety. Companies that resort to new technologies easily attack the fluctuation of renewable resources.

In any case, Wagtel’s main objective is to open up new realms of supervision, management and management capacity through important collaborations with the industry. As well as, innovating in IoT technology.

Oil and gas

IoT technologies are of great importance in the industrial, oil and gas sector. Its inclusion makes it more flexible, normalizes and innovates what this type of industry is demanding. All this, in order to improve efficiency in management and in financial terms.

The digital oilfield helps operators with the integration, analysis and management of data based on the operation in the field.

However, to achieve this level of efficiency, each company has to invest in the right IoT technology. In addition, it is essential to have the team to drive each phase of the asset durability cycle: exploration, development and production.

For companies in this sector, the challenge is focused on collecting, studying and decoding large amounts of data. The most important thing is that the process is done efficiently and using diverse sources.


Logistics is another issue that, at a business level, is important. Including the IoT in this area helps you monitor any shipment in real time. In addition, you have the advantage of automating package tracking and reducing inventory tasks. All this and more is possible with Wagtel solutions.
The use of IoT solutions allow the connection of shipments. The way in which packages move from one destination to another becomes somewhat simpler due to near-immediate time location data. So, like monitoring and managing straightness.
Many of the IoT sensors applied in this field are wireless. Also, they are battery operated. These devices show the location of the package. Additionally, it is possible to know the safety of the product and the state in which it is located.

Smart buildings

Smart buildings are linked infrastructures, which include various mechanisms related to the operation of the building as such.

Smart buildings are the present and future of humanity. The initiative is to be able to reduce consumption in different aspects. That is, these infrastructures have automated mechanisms for air conditioning, security and lighting. The biggest benefit is that managers control the performance and costs of the building.

Currently, new technologies are simplifying these systems more and more thanks to the inclusion of the IoT. Information analysis with IoT solutions is advanced.

However, this market is growing every day. It’s not just about choosing a smart building device, it’s about buying the right one. If you are looking for efficient and adjusted solutions, trust Wagtel. 

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