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Wagtel provides connectivity to offer a Global IoT Solutions for logistics sector

The advantages of using IoT devices in Logistics sector

IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the interconnected network of physical devices, sensors, and other electronic devices that are connected to the Internet and can communicate and exchange data with each other. In the context of transportation and logistics, IoT can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations by enabling the use of sensors and other technologies to track the location, movement, and status of goods in real time. This can help reduce the workload of logistics professionals and improve overall supply chain efficiency. Some examples of IoT applications in transportation and logistics include:

Overall, IoT technology has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of transportation and logistics operations, and is likely to become increasingly important in the industry in the coming years.

The revolution arrives with IoT Maritime Transport

New technologies are also present in the maritime transport sector. For this reason, IoT in maritime transport represents a world of possibilities that increasingly simplify human tasks. Currently, most ports worldwide invest in IoT technology.

Digital transformation driven by the IoT Maritime Transport

The digital transformation in relation to the maritime transport of merchandise is not a new topic. For some years now, this point has been taking on a lot of importance. However, the initial perspective focuses only on efficiency, but it must go much further.

In other words, it is vital to think about a digitization methodology related to other equally relevant factors such as quality, security and control.

For the foundations to be solid in terms of the inclusion of artificial intelligence, it is essential to resort to IoT technology. So the most careful focus is on the millions of containers that go from one place to another.

Across the shipping industry, ships, containers and carriers must be able to link to the same IoT network. In any case, the most ideal would be for each of the cargo containers to always have an IoT device installed.

This point, in addition to favoring identification, helps to save data in the cloud. Likewise, it is possible to monitor the temperature of the merchandise and the humidity. All this, to prevent any unexpected change from affecting the transported product.

New opportunities through the IoT in the management of ports and maritime transport

IoT technology in shipping is constantly growing. More and more ports are betting on this type of solution.
Transport devices linked to the Internet of Things produce a large amount of important information. All these data provide structures and information through AI, for example. The transformation of IoT in commerce is quite noticeable and radical. However, it represents a great advantage for the sector.

1.Cargo tracking

Solutions in all senses of the supply chain with information on the location, status, security and delivery of cargo. All of this available to shore partners, customers, ports and exporters.

2.Online reservations

It is possible to automatically reserve a service. This implies a great saving of time. That is, the information is available in real time.

3. Greater use of containers

Increase in the use of cargo containers by having real-time data on their geolocation, release, type, among others.

4.Monitoring of operators in real time

IoT technology allows monitoring of operators in real time. Undoubtedly, this represents a great advantage in relation to the prevention of accidents at work.

5.Transformation of commercial insurance

Through AI applied to the information stored in the cloud, it is possible to anticipate those assets that could have problems.

6.Success stories: Rotterdam Smart Port

Rotterdam is one of the most important smart ports in the world. It is estimated that by 2025, it will receive vessels linked to sensors that collect, process and analyze information in real time.

The efficient management of information compilation will optimize the work of decision-making. Which translates into a significant cost reduction.

7.Fleet, traffic and operator management guided by the IoT

The ports are busier than they have been for a long time. However, the information of each fleet is obtained, saved and evaluated in a simple way through the use of IoT technology

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